LINE OA Introduces “Gain Friend” Ads

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It is within the realm of reality to say that every person in Thailand with a smartphone has one (or more) LINE accounts. How much time do people in Thailand spend on LINE each day? The average is around 63 minutes per day as of 2019, according to LINE Thailand. This year The Nation reported that LINE accounts for 85% of online media usage in Thailand.

In the past, buying ads on LINE went through LINE agency partners, but the game is now changed. In April, LINE OA launched a new feature, “Gain Friends Ads”, allowing anyone who registers LINE OA to run ads to gain followers for their accounts by themselves. The ads show in LINE timeline.

The only requirement is that the account be a verified account and is not running via LINE agency partners.

Here are the easy steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your LINE OA
  2. Select ‘Gain Friend Ad’ in homepage tab then click ‘Add New Friends’
  3. Set your target audiences based on gender, age, location, and interests
  4. Set your overall budget within 30 – 360 USD
  5. Set your bidding price per one friend within 0.50 – 32 USD
  6. Create content with topic, brief description, and images that will interest your target group

Once all this is done, you can view the ad status under “Gain Friend Ad” tab: in review (takes around 2 days), rejected (will be informed of the rejected reason), active (meaning your ad is published).

Payment process is easily done as post-paid with the automatic deduction on the credit card linked to the account. The payment will be processed on the 10th of every month.

This new marketing feature in LINE OA enables accounts to gain followers similar to Facebook as Page Like ads. Businesses can benefit from reaching more potential customers then converting the followers into sales leads with interesting content and worthwhile offers.

A Basic Guide to Penetrating the Chinese Online Market

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Digital marketing agencies—as most business owners know them to be—are a valuable resource for anyone who’s looking to maximize the various benefits of the modern business landscape. As a key component in the foundation of every effective modern marketing strategy, digital marketing seeks to help any business use the internet and its two billion-plus users to its advantage.

Aside from being able to tap into an even bigger market as opposed to traditional marketing, digital marketing acts as your business’s gateway towards operating on a global scale. Whether it is a country like Thailand or South Korea or a region like Southeast Asia or Asia Pacific, digital marketing can take your business there and spread the word of every single product and service that you offer.

While it may be undeniable that digital marketing holds the ability to take your business far beyond your country’s borders, there’s one country that’s an entirely different story—China.

Is it hard to launch a digital marketing strategy in China?

With barriers to entry that are as formidable as The Great Wall, China poses a significant challenge that every business’s digital marketing strategy has to overcome. As attractive as the thought of penetrating the ever-expansive Chinese economy—especially with spending power growing—your run-of-the-mill digital marketing strategy might not be enough.

Thanks to the country’s all-out ban on almost every social media platform available everywhere else in the world (such as Facebook and Twitter), successfully entering the Chinese digital market has become a near-impossible task. China has two main online platforms businesses can market on—WeChat and Weibo and a few other growing platforms, like Douyin (TikTok). 

It is worth noting, however, that it is nearly impossible to launch a successful digital marketing campaign in China without the necessary experience due to the complexities of the available platforms. If you want to go global and eventually tap into the Chinese market, there’s one way you can surmount its challenges and generate even more conversions and loyal customers: hiring a Chinese digital marketing agency.

Why should you hire a Chinese digital marketing agency?

Digital marketing in China is a beast of its own, especially when it comes to navigating the various quirks of its available social media platforms. Aside from the fact that you don’t have the proper knowledge and skill to maximize China’s complex digital platforms, here are a few reasons you should get a Chinese digital marketing agency:

1. Chinese digital marketing agencies provide access to the best resources

Doing digital marketing in China on your own, truth be told, is the easiest way to spend a significant amount of money and resources without getting anything in return, which specifically entails losing out on resources. 

Given the complexity of penetrating the Chinese online market, you’ll need an agency that has the right resources to help you settle better. A Chinese digital marketing agency can set up your business’s WeChat, Baidu, Weibo, and other important profiles while taking care of your online business license application process for you. While a Chinese digital marketing agency does the heavy lifting for you, you can prepare your products and campaign concepts accordingly.

2. With a Chinese digital marketing agency, expert advice is abundant

Certain Chinese digital marketing agencies (such as Neat Interactive) can also provide valuable expert advice on top of effective services that your business can use to carry out its campaigns better. 

For example, if you’re looking to tap into the automotive retail industry in China, then a Chinese digital marketing agency will tell you all that you need to know about attracting qualified buyers. By outsourcing the help of a Chinese digital marketing agency, you won’t have to second-guess any piece of advice that you’ll get due to the extensive knowledge its team members have. 

3. An established digital marketing agency has the necessary experience to get the job done right 

As opposed to hiring a random marketing agency or taking on the process by yourself, a Chinese digital marketing agency has the necessary experience to do things much faster and more effectively. Aside from knowing what to do and what to avoid, experienced Chinese digital marketing agencies can also save your valuable time, money, and resources while ensuring that your first campaign is a hit. 

Final words

A Chinese digital marketing agency can provide your business with the valuable expertise, resources, and services that it needs to tap into the ever-expanding Chinese online market successfully. 

If you’re looking for the right Chinese digital marketing agency that has your needs in mind and is more than capable of delivering satisfactory results, get in touch with Neat Interactive today! 

How Live Streaming Helps Your Chinese Digital Marketing Strategy

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For the past few years, the challenge of entering the Chinese digital market as a foreign business has become much less daunting thanks to the power of digital and social media. 

From using Weibo stories as a platform for interacting frequently to unloading engaging video campaigns on WeChat, there’s an abundance of different tools that you can use to make your business’s presence known in China. Out of all the different ways that you could possibly supplement your brand’s Chinese digital marketing strategy, however, there’s one tool from China itself that can help you make significant progress: live streaming.  

The origins of live streaming and its role in Chinese marketing strategies today

Coming far from its origins as a niche interest, live streaming in China has now become a full-fledged line of work that has helped thousands of Wanghongs (or Chinese KOLs), view farmers (yes, you read that correctly), and vloggers earn a living from their reach. Aside from individual social media personalities, however, live streaming has now also become an essential tool provided by niche service providers that help businesses use the platform to their advantage. 

One such case of live streaming as a dominant influential force for China’s digital marketing is when Chinese influencer Viya Huang helped Kim Kardashian sell 15,000 bottles of perfume in minutes with a live stream. Given the fact that live streaming is garnering such desirable results, it’s easy to see that it has become a staple tool in Chinese digital marketing and is essential for any foreign business that’s looking to enter the market. 

It may now be clear that live streaming is the ultimate tool for capturing the Chinese digital consumer market, but there’s one question that remains for most foreign business owners: how can I use live streaming to my advantage?

If you’ve been meaning to expand your operations and make your Chinese digital marketing efforts more effective through the use of live streaming, here are three tips for you to start applying right away: 

1. Promote your upcoming live streaming sessions on social media

In the same way that TV shows and movies use commercials and trailers, promoting your upcoming live streaming session is a great way to attract more users to watch and follow your profiles. By using a simple social media post or announcement, interested viewers will be able to know what time to expect your live stream and where they can find it! 

2. Create an outline to follow during your live streaming session

One undeniable truth of running a live stream in Chinese social media (or anywhere, in general) is that preparedness can go a particularly long way in ensuring that more people come back for more and act on your offer. Whether it’s through a quick outline, comprehensive script, or a few practice sessions, making the necessary preparations for your live streaming session can significantly bump up the overall quality! 

3. Learn to interact with your viewers

Given the fact that Chinese consumers are more inclined to listen if a particular experience is convenient and personal, it makes sense to interact with your viewers during a live stream to see better results. By giving shoutouts, answering questions, or doing anything else to make your viewers feel special, you’ll be able to bump up your engagement and reach new heights during your live stream sessions with ease!

Final words

A comprehensive live stream strategy is one of the most important and effective tools that any foreign business or marketer can use to interact with the ever-expansive Chinese market for greater results. If you’re looking to improve your Chinese digital marketing strategy through the use of expert help, get in touch with Neat Interactive today to see how we can help!

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