LINE OA Introduces “Gain Friend” Ads

LINE OA Introduces “Gain Friend” Ads

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It is within the realm of reality to say that every person in Thailand with a smartphone has one (or more) LINE accounts. How much time do people in Thailand spend on LINE each day? The average is around 63 minutes per day as of 2019, according to LINE Thailand. This year The Nation reported that LINE accounts for 85% of online media usage in Thailand.

In the past, buying ads on LINE went through LINE agency partners, but the game is now changed. In April, LINE OA launched a new feature, “Gain Friends Ads”, allowing anyone who registers LINE OA to run ads to gain followers for their accounts by themselves. The ads show in LINE timeline.

The only requirement is that the account be a verified account and is not running via LINE agency partners.

Here are the easy steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your LINE OA
  2. Select ‘Gain Friend Ad’ in homepage tab then click ‘Add New Friends’
  3. Set your target audiences based on gender, age, location, and interests
  4. Set your overall budget within 30 – 360 USD
  5. Set your bidding price per one friend within 0.50 – 32 USD
  6. Create content with topic, brief description, and images that will interest your target group

Once all this is done, you can view the ad status under “Gain Friend Ad” tab: in review (takes around 2 days), rejected (will be informed of the rejected reason), active (meaning your ad is published).

Payment process is easily done as post-paid with the automatic deduction on the credit card linked to the account. The payment will be processed on the 10th of every month.

This new marketing feature in LINE OA enables accounts to gain followers similar to Facebook as Page Like ads. Businesses can benefit from reaching more potential customers then converting the followers into sales leads with interesting content and worthwhile offers.

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