SEO Winning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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COVID-19 has forced companies to make tough decisions, not least of which is how best to allocate limited budgets. As companies anticipate limited consumption of most products and services due to limited movement, rising unemployment, and lower wages, marketing budgets have been slashed accordingly. With consumer behaviour favouring online experiences due to lockdowns, many businesses are focusing on their digital marketing strategies. However, not all online strategies such as paid media, organic search, content marketing, and email marketing, work for every business.

According to research by Conductor (including brands like: Citi, SAP, HP, Siemens, and WeWork) 63% of marketers believe that SEO works best during COVID-19, where 5% of marketers said that it is least important during this period. Stats from 2019 showing that SEO was the top-performing digital channel according to marketers at 66% effectiveness (50% for paid search, 50% for email marketing, 26% for content marketing, 26% for digital advertising)  support the prioritization of SEO. 

Therefore, the first strategy that most marketers will invest in is their own website. SEO not only helps the website rank higher but is also a long-term strategy at a relatively low cost.  

Here are some basic SEO tips to keep your website optimized:

1. Focus on both keywords and phrases

Exact keyword and phrase matching work best for search engine rank results for specific queries. Use Google’s Keyword Planner for ideas as well as Google Search Console to see what queries are bringing traffic to your site.

2. Optimize the pages for Google’s crawler

Once you have the lists of potential keywords and phrases, the next step is to optimize the website. Create content that aligns with user search intent, working your keywords and phrases into headings and paragraphs. The pages should also be well structured and easy to navigate for users. Other than the content on the website, user experience (UX) (includes loading speed, mobile-friendliness, navigability) is another factor that marketers have to be aware of when developing the website.  

3. Build trustworthy backlinks 

Search ranking is greatly improved with quality backlinks. To give you an idea, backlink is like an online referral and could be from users who used your products or services and wrote reviews or refer to your business with the URL of your website on their pages or blogs. It doesn’t mean that you can ask anyone or any pages to review your products/services and put your link on their website. Don’t forget that behind the scenes, there’s a Google algorithm that will measure the website quality and source of traffic that drives traffic to your website. For example, if you sell cosmetics but you ask influencers or pages that have nothing related to cosmetics or beauty, the traffic that comes from those sources is of no value.

4. Tracking SEO performance

What gets measured gets improved. Given that SEO is a never-ending process, it’s essential to measure performance regularly. Ranking goes up and down, based not only on your activities, but the activity of your competitors as well.

Whatever industry you are in, the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on all businesses globally. We all must adapt to survive. If you have never thought of developing a website or optimizing your website and online presence before, maybe this is a great time to start. We can help.

Chinese Consumer Behavior: What Factors to Consider For Your Business

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Given the enormous structural changes and booming economy in China during the past 30 years, Chinese consumer behavior has drastically changed. This is reflective of the extraordinary gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of the Chinese economy, resulting in a massive increase in the middle-class over the past 3 decades.

According to Zhaopin Limited, 75 percent of China’s urban consumers will earn between 60,000 to RMB 229,000 a year. Take note that the average monthly wages for white-collar workers in 2018 were only RMB 7,665. This means that under normal circumstances these middle-class consumers can accumulate a surplus of disposable income (now being an abnormal circumstance due to Covid-19 and the looming trade war with the USA).

For your brand to resonate with Chinese consumers, consider the vital factors below.

1. Instant Gratification

First, instant gratification is a crucial characteristic of Chinese consumers. Know that Chinese consumers want to experience pleasure without delay. This means that when they see a potential product that suits their needs, they want it immediately. In fact, 22 percent of the new Chinese generation said they aren’t satisfied with next-day delivery. Instant gratification has indeed become reflective of Chinese consumer behavior due to the rise of social media, even leading to an increase in impulse buying.

For this reason, make sure that your business knows how to cater to the consumers’ need for instant gratification. This simply means quick response and efficient customer service.

2. Omnichannel Shoppers

The next thing to consider is that Chinese consumers are deemed omnichannel shoppers. In fact, 95 percent of Chinese shoppers identify themselves as omnichannel shoppers. This means that they are engaged with a variety of channels to shop and obtain what they need.

For this reason, experiential marketing for your brand becomes relevant. Make way to cater to the consumers’ needs through the use of omnichannel platforms, where these consumers will linger and stay. This marketing strategy allows customers to remain interested in the brand and give in to their needs for instant gratification and constant social media validation.

3. Going Single

Another consideration is how there has been a cultural shift in dating and marriage in China. It is gradually becoming a norm for young Chinese to delay marriage as they are becoming more liberated and deviating away from the norms. In fact, it is estimated that there will be over 90 million single Chinese people.

As this shift has a ripple effect on business products and services, position your brand in a way that it caters to the single people, and lives up to their expectations.

4. Saving Face

The face is considered a vital factor in Chinese consumer behavior. Chinese have a deep inherited relationship with the notion of ‘miànzi,’ which means saving face. It is often associated with dignity, honor, and pride as a way to build one’s social status.

That said, you have to take advantage of this deeply embedded culture by offering products and services to the market. In fact, recent research found that the culture of face strongly influences the consumption values of Chinese consumers and their purchasing behavior towards global brands.

Chinese consumers have a myriad of behaviors that can significantly impact their decision making. Consider the essential factors affecting consumer behavior outlined above and strive your best to align your business decisions with these behaviors. You will want to do what it takes to put your brand in the best position to thrive and succeed.

If you’re looking for a Chinese digital marketing agency to help you market your business to the Chinese market, get in touch with Neat Interactive today! We’re happy to help.

Tourists from China: Post-Covid-19 Travel Concerns

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Reports abound of Covid-19’s detrimental impact to global tourism. The longer countries remain closed to international tourists, the deeper the pain. Airlines grounded, hotels closed, tour companies shuttering, taxis with no passengers, empty restaurants and bars, and so on. In the hope of tourists once again gracing the streets, beaches and mountains of Thailand and other countries, hotels and hospitality businesses need to prioritize gaining the confidence and trust of travelers. Of great concern to Thai hotels should be understanding what Chinese tourists are looking for as they imminently begin taking long-awaited holidays abroad.

Knowing what to expect is a must for preparation

Based on C9 Hotelworks and Delivering Asia Communications survey, it pointed out 53% of Chinese respondents would like to travel in 2020. Where 71% of those choose Thailand as their destination. The key shift is the majority will be independent travelers rather than group tours, aged between 20 – 40 years old. The target cities remain Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Koh Samui and Pattaya. August, October, and December are expected to be the peak months that Chinese will travel aboard.

Knowing where to reach consumers

Daily media consumptions during the crisis have shifted in great numbers from television and newspaper to online media, which might last even after the crisis. For hotel industry, the suggested channels to attract Chinese tourists when searching for a place to stay ranging across Ctrip, Alibaba’s Fliggy, hotel website, and WeChat, respectively. The target group also associates the risk reduction with the use of technology on other aspects in daily life. From e-payment, delivery service, e-commerce, and e-booking, this states how hotels should leverage this online behavior to connect more with the customers.

Knowing what messages are relevant

Connecting with potential customers won’t be enough. It is also necessary to understand the changing consumer and reach them with the right message early in the journey. According to Ipsos analysis on Covid-19 in China: The Road of Recovery, Chinese’s social values have shifted, leading them to become more health conscious, focus on a peaceful life, family-oriented, and concerned with nature. As for hospitality and tourism, it might be relevant to show how hotels can offer consumers what they look for. From staying in a clean and safe hotel, dining from healthy food sources, avoiding crowded lobbies, to lifestyles that promote health and environmental care. These are the messages the consumers want to hear.

Knowing how to leverage brand value

People are now more cautious on what to spend due to the economy. This is when brand value comes into play. Brands need to offer what the consumers think is worth spending their money on. Relevant CSR is another aspect to create value. Many brands have come out during the crisis, helping society based on their capability. Some have turned to producing and donating hygiene products, PPE/masks, food, and capital to those in need. This creates a positive image in the customer’s mind, strengthening the brand’s credibility. If not done yet, this is another aspect worth doing to show the consumer where the brand stands. Some hotels have offered free stay for hospital staff. Some have offered their hotels as quarantine for those who came back from other high-risk countries.

We can’t change the situation, so we need to adapt. Doing so quickly, will result in the highest chance of success in a bleak looking next few months.

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