Social Media Content: Do you actually have something to say?

Social Media Content: Do you actually have something to say?

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“This sounds like you actually have something to say.”

This line is from one of my favorite movies, Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction. Before delivering this line, Uma Thurman’s character, Mia Wallace says, “This doesn’t sound like the usual boring getting to know you chit chat.”


On social media, many companies are obsessed with increasing fans. Out of all the metrics available from social media, like reach, impressions and engagement, the metric most focused on is the number of fans/followers. Businesses want followers but do the businesses actually have something to say to their followers?

In theory, using social media is great for businesses. In practice, continuously producing engaging content can become cumbersome and formulaic leading to what we see so often on so many pages, Keep Calm and ______, quotes, happy Monday, TGIF, have a good weekend, etc. Not that there’s anything wrong per se with these examples, but they are generic and fit any brand. It’s like having a conversation about the weather. When you talk about the weather with someone you know you’ve run out of things to say.

Social media should not be used for the sake of having a presence, it should have a goal. The goal should then drive the content.

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