Is Less More on Twitter?

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People use Twitter for a number of reasons. To keep in touch with friends, to follow celebrities, brands and teams, to post personal musings, advertise business and gather information, among others. Following a few friends and a few brands will quickly fill a users feed with a steady stream of tweets. If you are a business or your brand is centered around a personality, you want users to follow you and engage with you, i.e. retweet and/or comment on your tweets.

To do so though, you need them to actually see your tweet. This is where the conundrum of tweet frequency begins.

If you tweet once per day, chances are that you will not be seen by very many followers. Tweet multiple times per hour every day and chances are that you will quickly be “unfollowed” for clogging users’ feeds. So how frequently should you be tweeting? The answer is, it depends. It depends on who you want to reach and what you want to tweet.

First off, find out when your followers are most likely to be on Twitter. In the morning? At lunchtime? Before bed? In the morning in a different time zone? Find out and schedule your tweets to go out during those times.

Secondly, tweet interesting content. Tweeting for the sake of tweeting will not garner loyal followers. It may attract empty accounts or those who follow thousands of users, neither of which will do much for your business. As a general rule, put yourself in your followers’ shoes. When you are about to tweet, ask yourself, “Would this be interesting to me?”

If you have something worthwhile to offer, you’ll command a loyal following that spreads your message for you. To answer the question in the title, fewer but quality tweets are better than more non-quality tweets.

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