Twitter suspended your account for no reason, now what?

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Twitter can suspend your account for a number of reasons, but the primary reason is for abusing the service. Aside from the obvious illegal culprits that will get you booted from Twitter, like impersonation, trademark, threats and copyright, abusing the service includes following too many people all at once (hundreds in a day), unfollowing too many people all at once, spamming, direct messaging users to the point where they report you, and automating following and unfollowing of users.


When your account is suspended a banner will appear at the top of your Twitter page (like the one above) notifying you that your account is suspended. Following the Suspended Accounts link will take you to a page where you can read the Twitter Rules and Following Best Practices. If this is the first time your account is suspended, Twitter may allow you to reinstate your account by submitting verification that you are you. It seems like this is their way of warning you. If your account is suspended a second time or you don’t see an option anywhere to unsuspend your account then you must contact Twitter through the Contact Support page. Contacting Twitter will generate an e-mail letting you know that your appeal will be reviewed. Reply to the e-mail to let Twitter know that there is a human there and to keep your ticket open and plead your innocence or let them know that you have stopped anything that can be construed as abusing their service.

If you are responsibly using Twitter then this method should work, but if you are in fact abusing the service then you should most likely use Twitter according to their rules.

Please check back with us soon for our next article Is less more on Twitter?

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