Taking a Comprehensive Approach to Digital Marketing

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Neat Interactive’s guiding principle in online marketing is taking a comprehensive approach to a client’s digital presence. A website, Facebook page, Twitter account, Pinterest boards and Instagram profile should not be independent of each other, but function and exist together as one whole online presence. The message and voice should be consistent across the entire brand and the audience should be able to jump between online channels seamlessly.

This requires a great deal of time, organization and coordination. In our opinion, if digital marketing is not done right, it should not be done at all because rather than promote a brand it makes a brand look disorganized, as if a building has been left unfinished or without maintenance.

Along the same idea, the audience also has an impact on the image of the brand. Who are we attracting to the social media pages? Who are our fans? Just like the wrong type of tenant or guest on a property can drive up or lower the value and image of a property, so too can the audience make a social media page valuable or worthless. For this reason, we stress quality over quantity. Engagement is a key metric in determining quality. While undoubtedly a solid fan base is needed, 10,000 random fans who don’t comment, like or share, is not better than 5,000 fans who truly like and interact with your brand.

Most importantly there needs to be a purpose for using digital marketing. What message is the brand trying to deliver? Book directly? Stay with us? We are the best? Book directly and stay with us because we are the best? The purpose will drive the approach.

At Neat Interactive, we take digital marketing seriously and strive to assist our clients in achieving their goals.

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