It's WeChat Mini Programs for Chinese FIT

It's WeChat Mini Programs for Chinese FIT

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When traveling outside of China, 56% of Chinese tourists prefer to use WeChat Mini Programs when ordering food at restaurants, according to a survey conducted in June 2024 by Dao Insights.

Source WeChat/Weixin LinkedIn

The findings are no surprise given the abundance of WeChat Mini Programs at dining establishments in China. Using the same technology overseas makes it easy for Chinese travelers to order at restaurants.

Citing language barrier as one of the top reasons for the WeChat Mini Program preference, survey respondents also prefer its ease of use at restaurants and feel more welcome at restaurants that have a WeChat Mini Program available. On top of that, Chinese survey respondents also said they would order more because of the ease of use, language support and the ability to check order history.

Survey responses indicated that they would appreciate wider adoption of WeChat Mini Programs at overseas restaurants and would appreciate more language support.

Food & Beverage (F&B) businesses, restaurants, cafes, hotel restaurants and eateries, can all benefit from WeChat Mini Programs if they are trying to attract more Chinese tourists to their establishments.

How Can a Restaurant Provide a WeChat Mini Program?

  1. Open a WeChat developer account.
  2. Develop the WeChat Mini Program either by hiring an agency or hiring individual developers.
  3. To enhance the benefits of the WeChat Mini Program, open a WeChat Service Account in China. For details, read our WeChat guide to opening an official account in China here.
  4. Promote the WeChat Mini Program in your restaurant and through your WeChat Service Account.

Neat Interactive has been helping businesses on WeChat since 2014. Contact us for a free consultation or quotation here.

Images from WeChat/Weixin LinkedIn post, 27 June 2024.

Source of data: Dao Insights

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