Chinese Digital Marketing

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We first began working in Chinese digital marketing in November 2012. Before that, we hired a consultant in Beijing to teach us how Chinese digital marketing works, from which platforms and channels to use, to what type of jargon is used online. 1.5 years and a dozen clients later, we are still learning about Chinese digital marketing. Learning actually never stops because systems and people’s habits are continually evolving.

Hiring Chinese Digital Marketing Associate

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Neat Interactive, a digital marketing agency with offices in Bangkok and Shanghai, is hiring a Chinese Digital Marketing Associate in Bangkok. Our clients are on the most popular Chinese social media channels, such as Sina Weibo, WeChat, YouKu, Tencent Weibo and Sina Blog. We also assist them on Baidu with SEO and PPC Ads and on e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Tmall.

Google Places is now Google My Business

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Today Google announced that Google Places is now Google My Business. In addition to entering business location information as in Google Places, Google My Business seems to function more like a Facebook Page, allowing sharing of news and updates. The interface of the page looks like a Google Plus account.

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