The Upcoming Generation Z in Southeast Asia

The Upcoming Generation Z in Southeast Asia

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Do the terms ‘Generation Z’ and ‘digital natives’ ring a bell? If not then it’s time to read up as this demographic are more than likely to make up a huge portion of your customer base in years to come. Generation Z, or those born between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s, are a generation that have grown up using the internet, smartphones and social media every day of their lives. Making up 32% of the global population as of 2019, it’s unsurprising to learn that this generation is behind the rapid surge in online activity especially in Southeast Asia in recent years. Research shows that countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and Myanmar have seen huge growth in their overall social media usage in the past year alone. As digital marketers it is becoming more and more important to understand their online motivations and behaviours so that we can capture their attention and market goods and/or services to their tastes.

Short Attention Spans Influence Content Strategy

Digital Natives have often been described as having a short attention span, but are arguably able to absorb information faster than any previous generation. This is something that businesses and savvy marketers should take into account when planning their ad campaigns. According to, in APAC the average number of social media platforms used by Gen Z individuals is 3.4. Whilst this means that they are easy to target online, in an age of constantly refreshing home pages it is crucial to attract their attention swiftly before they move on to something else. Studies from Singapore’s digital giant Econsultancy, in collaboration with Dentsu Aegis Network, show that 86% of the Gen Z buyers in Southeast Asia see the products they want to buy online first. However, 86% said they wouldn’t continue to use an application or website which loads slowly or is difficult to navigate.

As digital marketers it is becoming more and more important to understand their online motivations and behaviours so that we can capture their attention and market goods and/or services to their tastes.

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with the internet, so the marvel of digital marketing is no different to them than traditional advertising. Having seen their parents and older generations fall for online marketing gimmicks and with the overbearing presence of ‘fake news’, this generation values authenticity. When marketing to them, it is important to provide transparency and a genuine promise that your product or service is worth their time and money. According to the Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019, both Gen Z and Millennials are showing more confidence in ‘emerging markets’ such as China, India, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand to name a few. The same can’t be said for more ‘mature markets’ such as those in Europe, the study claims.

Gen Z using smartphones

Socially Conscious Consumers

Alongside recognizing the desire for authenticity, marketers must also appreciate that Gen Z embraces individuality and celebrates diversity. They are much more likely to buy a product or service that comes from a company that aligns with their personal values. They are also the most environmentally and socially aware generation. Their attention on social media has shifted away from the likes of Facebook towards Instagram and Snapchat (and more recently TikTok), showing that they are a much more visually-driven generation who enjoy content that is aesthetically pleasing, intellectually stimulating and of course, entertaining.

It’s important to always stay one step ahead in marketing. Gen Z is both the present and future of our society. They are predicted to make up almost half of the entire consumer population by 2020, so factoring them into your ad campaigns is a no-brainer for the vast majority of businesses. Understanding your audience is the first step when it comes to planning and executing an effective digital marketing campaign. At Neat Interactive, we develop a unique strategy for all our campaigns which pairs the needs of the client with a deep understanding of their audience. Learn more about what we do at Neat and how we can help you today.

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